Sunday 20 March 2016

"Say No to Drugs" Campaign Not Working Out Too Well in Scientology's Mecca of Cleawater

Rise of the synthetic-high zombies: Cops across Florida called to 'horror-movie style scenes' where groups of people are left slumped and stupefied after taking 'spice' 

Tampa suffering from 'spice drug' problem as dozens of people are overdosing
Authorities in several Florida cities have seen an increase in emergency calls related to people being slumped over in a stupefied state as they have overdosed on the dangerous drug known as spice, or synthetic marijuana. Police in Tampa say that more people than ever before are overdosing on the drug, as investigators in Clearwater say they've received dozens of calls for people who have had to be rushed to the hospital because of suspected spice use. A disturbing photo from the Clearwater Police Department taken at Crest Lake Park shows two people slumped over and one person laying on the ground, as it's suspected they had used Spice.

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